Leaping Bunny Blog

LOLAVIE Shampoo & Conditioner

Great hair is probably one of the first things that comes to mind when you hear the name, Jennifer Aniston. Even if you didn't watch "Friends" in the mid-nineties, "The Rachel" haircut was still a huge part of pop culture; and despite the style changing, the association lives on. I'll admit I had to squelch my inner fangirl for this one, to devote my true attention and feedback to the products. I'm being 100% candid when I say LOLAVIE Shampoo & Conditioner brought out the best in my hair. My hair is medium-length, and on the thin side, and the volume LOLAVIE gave me (whether worn naturally curly or styled with hot tools) was unbelievable! Controlled my frizz as well. LOLAVIE is a combo of some of Jennifer's passions, including health advancements, nature, & science, to formulate these cruelty-free, vegan, and sustainable products. Don't think of LOLAVIE as a celebrity brand, but rather, a "must-try". See LOLAVIE products here